Hartfield Students Write Scripture on New Junior High Building

Amidst the steady construction of Hartfield Academy's new Junior High building, a spiritually significant tradition has emerged. As walls rise and classrooms take shape, students from the 7th through 9th grades have taken part in a unique ritual—writing scripture and praying over the space of their future classrooms.
We want to give this space to the Lord and all the opportunities that will come from it. The act of filling the walls with scripture serves as a tangible expression of Hartfield’s desire to see every student fulfill their God-given purpose.

With each stroke of the pencil, students not only leave their mark on the physical structure of the building but also express their prayers for the future. From passages of strength and courage to verses of wisdom and guidance.

As students walk the halls of their new learning environment, they will carry with them the prayers and scriptures written, reminding them of a sense of purpose and belonging that extends far beyond the classroom.
Hartfield Academy is fully accredited by both the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS), the MidSouth Association of Independent Schools (MAIS), the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) and the Southern Association of independent Schools (SAIS).