Teen to Teen: Three Hartfield Seventh Graders Create a Student-led Bible Study

Haven Jeanfreau, Ruth Hopkins, and Weston Nunnery are perfect examples of students fulfilling their God-given purpose. As the new school year began, Ruth and Haven had big dreams to start a student-led seventh-grade bible study. After speaking with their bible teacher and middle school principal, they left encouraged knowing that Wednesday, August 23rd, would be the first of many late start days where students could gather for a time of discussion and prayer. Today was the first official day of Teen to Teen!
This morning’s discussion focused on the story of Nehemiah and the rebuilding of the wall in Jerusalem. Haven, Ruth, and Weston showed true leadership by facilitating discussion among classmates. It was a neat experience seeing students talk about Nehemiah’s persistence and leadership and how they can use his story as a model to show Hartfield that they can be the change in their generation. It was important for Haven, Ruth, and Weston to share this story and not just praise all that Nehemiah did, though. They emphasized that without God, this would have never been possible! They used this to encourage others to have faith and see where the Lord will work. The Lord is working in the lives of Hartfield students and it was a joy to see three step out in faith as they begin something new!

Hear from Haven, Ruth, and Weston:

Q: What motivated you to start Teen to Teen?
A: “At Pinelake, the first Wednesday night of the new school year is called United. I (Ruth) took Haven with me and we heard a message from Nehemiah. As we were waiting to be picked up, Haven turned to me and said “Do you ever feel like you are not doing enough for God?”. I (Ruth) replied, “I actually just thought about that as I was hearing that message!”. From that conversation, we asked each other and asked God what we could do. We came up with the idea of a student-led bible study and we’re excited about it!”

Q: Is there a specific book of the bible you want to teach throughout the year?
A: “Yes, next week we want to start lessons on specific parts of Nehemiah”.

Q: How do you get the ideas for lessons?
A: “Our parents, bible teachers, and things we hear at church help us create a lesson”.

Q: Haven and Ruth have shared how they got involved. Weston, how did you get involved with starting this group?
A: “I believe it was 100% a God thing. I ran into Ruth after class and she told me she was going with Haven to meet the Bible teacher so I asked if I could come along!”

Q: Are you three going to be the only ones leading or do you plan on having others speak some mornings?
A: “We hope to have as many people share as we can! Some have already come up to us after this morning and asked what morning they could share. We believe God can use anyone to speak and we want to give them that opportunity.”

Q: What was the main thing you wanted to get across with today’s first bible study?
A: “That this is a safe place. This time is for us to come together as a grade and as believers to be one in Christ.” “It’s not what we say that is important, it is how God uses us through this time.”

It’s days like these we are so thankful to be a Hawk! Praying for the Lord to do a great work in the lives of our students each day.
Hartfield Academy is fully accredited by both the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS), the MidSouth Association of Independent Schools (MAIS), the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) and the Southern Association of independent Schools (SAIS).